Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Give Thanks

Most people write blogs during the beginning of the day. I guess I'm not most people...

Today I woke up rather late and decided I needed to enjoy the great weather God provided us today. I made some phone calls and played a nice game of singles and doubles of tennis. It was a great day to enjoy the outdoors.

After about an hour of studying for the Hebrew vocabulary quiz tomorrow, I decided I needed to thank God today for the great time I had with friends and fellow students here at seminary. Sometimes we get so bogged down in the academic environment that we forget the people around us who have so many interesting stories to tell us. I feel that most of the learning we are to have in seminary does not happen in the class room or lecture halls but in the dining table, where there is a fellowship of believers, sharing and testifying about the amazing God that we serve each day.

Thank you God for you grace today. Thank you for your love that sustains us each day. Lord, I pray you grant me an eternal perspective while I attend my duties as a student. Give me eyes to see the big picture of why I am studying these things. I rejoice in the diverse gifts you have given to your children. I pray that I live in awe of your majesty and glory. AMEN

Monday, April 11, 2011

God Works Through His Word

Today our Church History professor spoke about the Zwingli and the Zurich Reformation. He spoke about the belief that the primary way that God works is through the preaching of His Word. Then he asked a poignant question to all of the seminary students: “Do you believe when you preach that God is going to work through His Word? If you don't, don't preach.”

How often do we forget the power of the Word? I forget it was the Word that changed my life from a lover of the world and myself to a lover of God. It was the Word that sustained me during my first year of youth ministry with its ups and downs. It was the Word that brought life to my soul when I felt like I was in a spiritual desert. It has always been the Word that has been the fountain of refreshment. Today I will thank God for His Word. I will rejoice for the opportunity to reflect upon it, cherish it, meditate on it, and act on it. Today I will express my faith in the Word, not only through my mouth, but my the hands and feet will put into practice my belief in the power of God's Word.

Sunday, April 10, 2011


The title is not referring to the movie made in 1986 with Ellen Ripley rescuing humanity with awesome firepower; but it is about the nature or identity of Christians in this world. Today we spoke about 1 Peter 1:1-2, where the Apostle Peter refers to the Christians spread throughout the world as 'aliens' or 'strangers' according to other translations.

God's Word challenged us to remember our identity while living in this world. We are not of this world or living for this world, but rather 'seeking first His kingdom and His righteousness' as Jesus commanded in Matthew 6:33. It is important that we remember this truth and commandment. Let's meditate on this truth this week as we go about our daily lives. Our citizenship is first and foremost of the kingdom of God.